Central Banks and Supervisors Must Deal with Climate Change, in the Very Name of Their Mandate

May 06, 2022

Nathalie Aufauvre, the Chair of the Network for Greening the Financial System at the Banque de France, spoke at the Global Interdependence Center’s Central Banking Series with the Banque de France on Friday, May 6, 2022 during the Climate Change and Central Banks session.



Central Banking Series: Paris — Special Session and Concluding Remarks

May 06, 2022

The Global Interdependence Center, in partnership with the Banque de France, held a Central Banking Series at The Louvre in Paris, France.

Special session on current events in Russia/Ukraine and their broader implications featured Sergeï Guriev, Scientific Director of the Master and PhD programmes in Economics, CEPR Research Fellow at Sciences Po., and moderator: Olivier Garnier, Director General for Economics and International Banque de France

The Concluding remarks were given by Kathleen Stephansen, Chair Emeritus of the Global Interdependence Center



Central Banking Series: Paris — Session III

May 06, 2022

The Global Interdependence Center, in partnership with the Banque de France, held a Central Banking Series at The Louvre in Paris, France.

Session III: Climate Change and Central Banks featured Timo Tyrväinen, Chief Economist, Climate Leadership Coalition, Nathalie Aufauvre, Chair, Network for Greening the Financial System at the Banque de France, Thomas Mélonio, Executive Director of Innovation, Strategy and Research, Agence Française de Développement (AFD), and moderator: Michala Marcussen, Chief Economist, Société Générale.



Central Banking Series: Paris — Session II

May 06, 2022

The Global Interdependence Center, in partnership with the Banque de France, held a Central Banking Series at The Louvre in Paris, France.

Session II: Long Covid: Research, Policy, and Economic Impact, featured Andrew D. Racine, M.D., Ph.D. System Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Montefiore Health System and Executive Director, Montefiore Medical Group, New York, Gilles Moëc, Chief Economist, AXA, and moderator: Olivier Garnier, Director General for Economics and International Banque de France.



Central Banking Series: Paris — Session I

May 06, 2022

The Global Interdependence Center, in partnership with the Banque de France, held a Central Banking Series at The Louvre in Paris, France.

Session I: Economics and Geopolitics featured Isabel Vansteenkiste, Director General, European Central Bank, Leland Miller, CEO, China Beige Book & GIC Board Member
Ellen Zentner, Chief US Economist, Morgan Stanley, Rémy Rioux, Chief Executive Officer, Agence Française de Développement (AFD), and moderator: Michael Drury, Chief Economist, McVean Trading & Investments & GIC Board Member.



Central Banking Series: Paris — Introductory Remarks and Morning Keynote

May 06, 2022

The Global Interdependence Center, in partnership with the Banque de France, held a Central Banking Series at The Louvre in Paris, France.

Welcoming remarks were given by François Villeroy de Galhau, Governor, Banque de France, and Kathleen Stephansen, Chair Emeritus of the Global Interdependence Center. The morning keynote address was given by François Villeroy de Galhau.



CCB Institutional Alignment Project Event Series: Demographics

April 29, 2022

GIC’s College of Central Bankers hosted an Executive Briefing on April 29, 2022 exploring demographics with GIC College of Central Bankers Fellows, Masaaki Shirakawa, Former Governor of the Bank of Japan, and Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., former Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve System. The program included a live audience Q&A moderated by GIC Board Member, Michael Drury, plus remarks by CCB Chair, Peter A. Gold, Esq.



Outlook on Small Business

April 20, 2022

The Global Interdependence Center hosted a virtual Executive Briefing on April 20, 2022 with speakers, Holly Wade, GIC Board Member and the Director of Research and Policy Analysis at NFIB, Chris Wheat, the Co-President for the JPMorgan Chase Institute, and GIC Vice Chair of Programs, Lisa McIntire Shaw, who is a Founding Partner of Cygnus Asset Management, LLC.


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