
Europe: Can’t Win for Losing

April 1, 2014
Michael Drury
Michael Drury

GIC Vice Chair of Programs Michael Drury, of McVean Trading and Investments, LLC, discusses Europe's recovery.

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The Baltic Republics and Putin

March 27, 2014
Bill Witherell
Bill Witherell

GIC Member Bill Witherell, of Cumberland Advisors, discusses the situation in the Baltic States.

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More on Russian, Crimea, Markets

March 25, 2014
David R. Kotok
David R. Kotok

GIC Vice Chairman of the Central Banking Series David Kotok discusses Russian policy and Ukraine.

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Back to the Future

March 20, 2014
Bob Eisenbeis
Bob Eisenbeis

GIC Member Bob Eisenbeis discusses Janet Yellen's first press conference as chairman of the Federal Reserve.

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The Year of the Horse

March 13, 2014
Timothy Weckesser
Timothy Weckesser

GIC Board Member Tim Weckesser discusses China.

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Markets, Ukraine, Paris

March 6, 2014
David R. Kotok
David R. Kotok

GIC Vice Chairman of the Central Banking Series, David Kotok, discusses the situation in Ukraine and the energy sector.

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Report from Phoenix

March 4, 2014
David R. Kotok
David R. Kotok

The GIC Vice Chairman of the Central Banking Series talks about his time in Phoenix.

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Takeaways from the Inaugural GIC Southwest Economic Summit

February 28, 2014
Peter Gold, Esq.
Peter Gold, Esq.

Vice Chair Peter Gold summarizes the Southwest Economic Summit on Monday.

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Emerging Markets and Tapering: Some Thoughts

February 25, 2014
George Tsetsekos
George Tsetsekos

GIC Board Chair, George Tsetsekos, discusses emerging markets.

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US Monetary Dynamics and Turkey: A Case of Interdependence

February 20, 2014
George Tsetsekos
George Tsetsekos

GIC Board Chairman George Tsetsekos, Ph.D., discusses the impact of the US Fed's decisions on Turkey.

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S&P 500: 1987 Crash vs Feb. 2014

February 18, 2014
Adam Sarhan
Adam Sarhan

GIC Member Adam Sarhan compares 1987 and today.

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Puerto Rico: The Step Down

February 7, 2014
John Mousseau
John Mousseau

GIC Speaker John Mousseau discusses S&P's recent downgrade of Puerto Rico's debt.

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