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GIC In the News

Money Creation in the Modern Economy

February 5, 2018

GIC’s Money Creation in the Modern Economy took place on Thursday, February 5, 2018 in Zurich, Switzerland.

Money, Models, and Digital Innovation

January 19, 2018

This conference in San Diego, CA explored digital innovation in money and portfolio management, with expert panels on Big Data and Machine Learning, Portfolio Optimization, and Crypto-Digital currencies as money and as investments. Eric Rosengren, the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, was awarded the GIC Frederick Heldring Award for Global Leadership.

Central Banking Series: Japan

November 13, 2017

GIC returned to Asia for the continuation of Central Banking Series, supported by Asset One Management Co. and featuring Patrick Harker, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. 

Central Banking Series: Location Matters in a Global Economy

November 7, 2017

Held in partnership with Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas, GIC’s Central Banking Series continued on Monday, November 6, 2017.

Ninth Annual Rocky Mountain Economic Summit

July 14, 2017

The Ninth Annual Rocky Mountain Economic Summit is an annual two-day summit of economists, bankers, academics, and finance industry representatives.